The DC Universe’s Superman Needs To Learn These 10 Lessons From Superman: The Animated Series

The DC Universe’s new Superman could learn a lot form the Man of Steel’s iconic portrayal in Superman: The Animated Series. David Corenswet’s Clark Kent in Superman (2025) promises a return to the hero’s core values, but striking the right balance is crucial. Fortunately, Superman: TAS offers the perfect blueprint. The beloved cartoon masterfully captured the essence of Superman while exploring his strength, humanity, and intelligence in a way that appealed to all ages.
Superman has had a complicated history in live-action films, with varying portrayals influencing how audiences perceive the character. Henry Cavill’s portrayal in the DCEU timeline leaned heavily into a more serious, brooding interpretation. With the DCU’s Superman (2025) set to reboot the character, Gunn has emphasized that his version will highlight Superman’s kindness and optimism. This presents an opportunity to look back at Superman: The Animated Series, which found an ideal balance between the superpowered alien and a struggling human.
10 Superman: The Animated Series Is A Great Look At Many Of The Man Of Steel's Biggest Foes The DCU’s Superman Should Fully Explore Superman’s Rogues’ Gallery Close A hero is only as compelling as his rogues" gallery, and Superman: The Animated Series showcased many of the Man of Steel"s greatest foes with intelligence and depth. Lex Luthor was portrayed as a ruthless corporate mastermind, making him a different but equally dangerous threat compared to his comic-book counterpart. Brainiac, the calculating artificial intelligence, had a chilling presence, while Darkseid was an ominous and overwhelming force, pushing Superman to his limits.
Even lesser-known foes like Parasite and Livewire were given compelling motivations, making their battles with Superman feel personal and engaging. The new DCU must follow this example by treating Superman’s villains as multi-dimensional characters rather than disposable obstacles. Superman: The Animated Series proved that a strong lineup of antagonists helps define the hero, and the DCU"s Superman would benefit from similar attention to his enemies.
9 Superman: The Animated Series Shows How The Hero Can Balance Being Cheerful & Serious The DCU’s Superman Shouldn’t Be As Serious Close One of the greatest strengths of Superman: The Animated Series was its ability to balance Superman"s optimism with the weight of his responsibilities. While he was undeniably powerful, Superman wasn"t invincible in spirit – he faced losses, moral dilemmas, and struggles that tested his ideals. However, rather than succumbing to cynicism, he remained hopeful and inspired those around him. This is a crucial lesson for the DCU"s Superman.

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